Equality and Human Rights Statement

Birthlink recognise that equality and human rights are core to achieving our purpose. Our staff, volunteers and board members demonstrate accountability and ensure practice is evidence based. We comply with the Equality Act 2010 and act compatibly with the Human Rights Act 1998. 


We acknowledge that we work with people whose human rights may have been violated in the past: in particular the right to a family life. We are especially sensitive to treating everyone with dignity. We consider the impact of our processes and ensure that the population we serve is empowered within and by the service they seek from us.


Not only do we seek to eliminate discrimination we also aim to advance the equality of opportunity. This means taking steps to meet the needs of people with certain protected characteristics where these are different from the needs of others.


We strive to integrate equality and human rights into governance, policy and decision making to achieve better outcomes for people. The Birthlink Charter holds more information on the standards we hold ourselves and each other accountable to.

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0131 225 6441

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