DNA Services

DNA Services

DNA Services

Our DNA service is led by Alasdair Macdonald and consists of a small team of specialist genetic genealogists. Alasdair is a teaching fellow at the Strathclyde Institute for Genealogical Studies (SIGS) part of the University of Strathclyde. Alasdair specialises in the use of DNA for genealogical research (including adoption and unknown parentage) and has a passion for helping individuals reconnect with their family and explore their ancestry.


What is DNA?

DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) is found in almost every cell in our body. It contains the instructions that code our genes and makes us who we are.

We share very large amounts of DNA with our first-degree relatives: birth parents; birth siblings and birth children. We also share significant amounts of DNA with close cousins. DNA testing can therefore be used to establish genetic linkage with birth family members.


Birthlink DNA Service

By using Birthlink’s DNA service, you will be provided with an allocated social worker who will liaise with our DNA investigators on your behalf and support you through the process. We recognise that DNA testing can be an emotional journey with the possibility of unexpected outcomes, therefore we have experienced workers who can support you throughout the journey.

Birthlink will supply you with a DNA testing kit with instructions of how to take the test saliva sample.

Your results will be analysed and compared with those in the world’s largest genealogical database and others if required. Your social worker will share the results with you and discuss the steps you may want to take next.


What does it cost?

The testing kit costs £70.

Birthlink can also support you if you already have your own DNA test results and wish to trace your birth family.  The cost for tracing your family and further analysis if you have already done your test is also £70.

Please call 0131 225 6441 if you wish to receive these services.