Thrift Shops
Two of the oldest thrift shops in Scotland
We sell absolutely anything and everything under the sun, from books, clothes and small electrical items, to furniture, bric a brac and even artwork. Please don’t hesitate to come and have a bargain hunt!
‘I got on the wrong bus and found your charity shop, definitely the best in Edinburgh.’
Birthlink Thrift Shop 2
26 Lochrin Buildings
0131 259 0119
Monday – Saturday
9.30am – 5pm
Unwanted books, bric-a-brac, linen, curios, toys and anything unwanted, we can find a home for it
Do you have any spare time?
We are looking for Volunteers to help in our Thrift shops, even if it was only an hour, every minute helps. Just pop into one of the shops, call 0131 225 6441 for an application form or contact us here and our staff will be happy to assist.